
The Importance of Role Models in Our Life

In this post, I explore why having role models is essential for personal growth and development both in a professional setting as well as at home. Role models are essential in our lives, inspiring us to strive for greatness and pursue our goals with gusto. They can be the people we know personally or thoseContinue reading “The Importance of Role Models in Our Life”

22 Life-Changing Books That Will Transform Your Life

Want to feel more satisfied with life this year? Spend more time on yourself by reading these life-changing books. Whether you are currently living your life on purpose, know what you want in life, or are still discovering your life’s work, this list will help you find clarity and build your ideal future.

The 10 Best Executive Coaching Books of 2023

Are you an executive looking to take your leadership skills and self-awareness to the next level? Have you considered working with a coaching professional to help you become the best version of yourself? If so, one of these top 10 executive coaching books of 2023 is precisely what you need. From experts and successful businessContinue reading “The 10 Best Executive Coaching Books of 2023”

25 Books I Recommend to My Life & Executive Coaching Clients

As a Life & Executive Coach, here are 25 books I recommend to my clients. These books cover a range of topics related to personal development, leadership, productivity, communication, and well-being. Recommending books to my clients has proven highly beneficial for several reasons. Books are a treasure trove of knowledge and insights. Recommending relevant booksContinue reading “25 Books I Recommend to My Life & Executive Coaching Clients”

How to Become a Life Coach

A life coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives to attain greater fulfilment. Have you ever wondered how to become a life coach? Life coaches support their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. Life coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstaclesContinue reading “How to Become a Life Coach”

Top 5 Most Creative & Innovative Reading Campaigns ‘Padhe Bharat’ Could Inspire From

The world of a reader is vast. A reader experiences the world through different eyes and increases their knowledge while forming opinions on various topics. In this vein, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan launched a 100-day Reading Campaign called ‘Padhe Bharat’. But the campaign could have been designed better. The ‘Padhe Bharat’ campaign was launchedContinue reading “Top 5 Most Creative & Innovative Reading Campaigns ‘Padhe Bharat’ Could Inspire From”