
Unveiling the Aims and Objectives of the NEP 2020: A Comprehensive Guide

The National Education Policy 2020 is a groundbreaking educational reform that aims to pave the way for a brighter future. This article will delve into the revolutionary aims and objectives of the NEP 2020 and discuss how it empowers young learners and transforms the traditional education system. The NEP 2020 focuses on holistic development, makingContinue reading “Unveiling the Aims and Objectives of the NEP 2020: A Comprehensive Guide”

Understanding Professionalism in the Indian Context

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, it is perhaps no surprise that the traditional definition of professionalism can vary among different cultures. Compared to the rest of the world, India seems to have a very different way of operating and defining professionalism. Let’s explore! Within India, jugaad – or innovation through improvised solutionsContinue reading “Understanding Professionalism in the Indian Context”

How to Cultivate a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in Your Leadership Style

Leaders of today’s organisations face the daunting task of creating a diverse and inclusive culture. This is no small feat, but it is one with lasting implications for success in any industry. This blog post will explore ways to make sure your leadership style reflects the diversity and inclusion standards necessary for success. In orderContinue reading “How to Cultivate a Culture of Diversity and Inclusion in Your Leadership Style”

5 Things Mauritius Should Learn from India in 2023

As two neighbouring countries in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius and India have much to learn from one another. Here’s a look at five key lessons Mauritius should learn from India – the world’s largest democracy and top emerging economy. While there are vast differences between their histories and economies, both countries can take inspiration fromContinue reading “5 Things Mauritius Should Learn from India in 2023”