
How To Make A Day Planner Work For You: Five Simple Tips

In this blog post, I offer five simple tips on how to make a day planner work for you and give yourself the best chance of getting things done efficiently and effectively. From taking advantage of visual cues to determining which tasks should take priority each day, read on as we go through these fiveContinue reading “How To Make A Day Planner Work For You: Five Simple Tips”

Dr Krishna Athal Launches Life & Executive Coaching Services in Singapore

SINGAPORE, 10 July 2023 – Dr Krishna Athal, top-ranked Life & Executive Coach and Professional Corporate Trainer, is delighted to announce the launch of his Life & Executive Coaching Services in Singapore. With the opening of a new office in the heart of Singapore, Dr Krishna Athal aims to provide individuals and organisations with comprehensiveContinue reading “Dr Krishna Athal Launches Life & Executive Coaching Services in Singapore”

5 Brutal Truths About Life Coaching in Singapore

Do you feel like your life is at a standstill and need someone to support and guide you to create positive change? You’re not alone. Life coaching in Singapore has become increasingly popular over the years as people come to terms with their stressed-out states of mind. While it may seem like an ideal solutionContinue reading “5 Brutal Truths About Life Coaching in Singapore”

The Fascinating Science of Daily Planning

The concept of daily planning is so simple – determining what gets done each day before it happens and then putting that plan into motion. But it’s truly fascinating when you take a closer look at the science behind how effective this practice can be. Studies have shown that implementing daily planning habits not onlyContinue reading “The Fascinating Science of Daily Planning”

The Best Approach to Life Coaching in Mauritius

Are you looking for the best life coaching in Mauritius? Experienced professionals in this field are invaluable assets when it comes to navigating every stage of your life. From career decisions to resolving personal issues, an experienced life coach can help inspire individuals to move forward confidently. You may be wondering who is one ofContinue reading “The Best Approach to Life Coaching in Mauritius”

The Importance of Confidentiality in Life & Executive Coaching

Maintaining confidentiality in Life & Executive Coaching is crucial in today’s age. After all, if clients cannot trust that what they share with their coach will remain private, they won’t feel comfortable speaking honestly. This lack of transparency could thwart any successful progress in the coaching process. It’s essential for coaches to understand why confidentialityContinue reading “The Importance of Confidentiality in Life & Executive Coaching”

Amazing Facts About Transactional Analysis in Life Coaching

Are you wondering about the relevance of Transactional Analysis in the life coaching context? This article explains how Dr Eric Berne’s theory is still relevant today and why it can be utilised effectively when tackling complex personal issues. Transactional Analysis is a psychological theory that offers insight into human behaviour and relationships. Developed by psychiatristContinue reading “Amazing Facts About Transactional Analysis in Life Coaching”

Top 4 Life Coaches in Mumbai in 2023

Are you living in the bustling cosmopolitan city of Mumbai and looking to make a change in your life? Are you searching for inspirational Life Coaches in Mumbai with the unique competitive edge and expertise to turn around your journey? If so, look no further than Dr Krishna Athal – one of India’s elite A*Continue reading “Top 4 Life Coaches in Mumbai in 2023”

Life Coaching in Mauritius

Are you looking for a way to make a better life for yourself while also having the opportunity to explore an exotic island? Life coaching in Mauritius may be just what you are searching for! This vibrant and culturally rich nation is one of the best places in the world for professionals, offering unparalleled careerContinue reading “Life Coaching in Mauritius”

How to Become a Life Coach

A life coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives to attain greater fulfilment. Have you ever wondered how to become a life coach? Life coaches support their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. Life coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstaclesContinue reading “How to Become a Life Coach”