
Why Do People Lie?

Lying is an unfortunately common habit. We hear stories of politicians lying to get elected, family members exaggerating about their new house, or a friend stretching the truth about an achievement – but why do people lie? What’s the psychological and social motivation behind this deceitful behaviour, and how can we approach it with greaterContinue reading “Why Do People Lie?”

Unveiling Mauritius’ Top 5 Life Coaches of 2023

This article ranks Mauritius’ top 5 life coaches, bringing massive transformation in Mauritian coachees. Life coaches emphasise on life planning, covering careers, health, finances, relationships, and overall well-being. If you are looking to take a leap forward in your life and career, put yourself on the road of self-improvement with the help of a lifeContinue reading “Unveiling Mauritius’ Top 5 Life Coaches of 2023”

Best Executive Coach in India in 2023, Declared

Are you looking for the best executive coach in India to take your business to the next level? If so, you’ve come to the right place! With more than ten years of experience in providing top-notch professional coaching and guidance, Dr. Krishna Athal is one of India’s most renowned executive coaches. Known as the “GuruContinue reading “Best Executive Coach in India in 2023, Declared”

The Eisenhower Matrix: How to Prioritise Your To-Do List

Are you struggling to find the time necessary for all your tasks? Is your daily to-do list growing longer and longer with no real end in sight? If you’ve been experiencing this, it may be time to consider the Eisenhower Matrix. The Eisenhower Matrix is a task management tool designed by former President Dwight D.Continue reading “The Eisenhower Matrix: How to Prioritise Your To-Do List”

My clients’ “Aha Moment” About Executive Coaching in London

If you’re considering executive coaching in London, it can be challenging to gauge what the experience will really entail. That’s why I invited five of my clients to share their stories of working with me—from the challenges they initially faced to their “aha moment” that changed everything in their approach and outlook on life. TheirContinue reading “My clients’ “Aha Moment” About Executive Coaching in London”

The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Life Coaching in London

Are you considering life coaching in London as a way to help improve your outlook and outlook on life? If so, it’s important to go into the process with an understanding of what is expected from a coach-client relationship. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions surrounding life coaching due to ineffective mentors offering advice instead ofContinue reading “The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Life Coaching in London”

The Best Approach to Life Coaching in Mauritius

Are you looking for the best life coaching in Mauritius? Experienced professionals in this field are invaluable assets when it comes to navigating every stage of your life. From career decisions to resolving personal issues, an experienced life coach can help inspire individuals to move forward confidently. You may be wondering who is one ofContinue reading “The Best Approach to Life Coaching in Mauritius”

How to Manage Transference and Countertransference in Coaching

As a coach, it’s important not to develop any strong personal feelings for or against the people you are helping. A healthy client-coach relationship must remain professional and grounded in boundaries. Unfortunately, this isn’t always easy — one of the biggest challenges to providing quality coaching experiences is managing transference and countertransference between coaches andContinue reading “How to Manage Transference and Countertransference in Coaching”

Top 4 Life Coaches in Mumbai in 2023

Are you living in the bustling cosmopolitan city of Mumbai and looking to make a change in your life? Are you searching for inspirational Life Coaches in Mumbai with the unique competitive edge and expertise to turn around your journey? If so, look no further than Dr Krishna Athal – one of India’s elite A*Continue reading “Top 4 Life Coaches in Mumbai in 2023”

The Fascinating Science of Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, Psychology

This article explores the particularities associated with each field and get a better insight into coaching vs mentoring vs counselling vs psychology. Understanding the various specialisations within professional counselling can be an invaluable asset for those eager to help others and make a difference in their lives. From coaching to mentoring, counselling to psychology, manyContinue reading “The Fascinating Science of Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, Psychology”