
Coaching vs Counselling: What’s the Difference?

Are you struggling to make sense of life recently and looking for a way out? You may have heard conflicting advice about whether to consider coaching or counselling. Both approaches can be incredibly effective in helping people improve their well-being. Still, there is an essential distinction between the two methods, which must be understood beforeContinue reading “Coaching vs Counselling: What’s the Difference?”

5 Things Modern Life Coaches Are Doing Wrong

This article takes a look at the five most common things modern life coaches are doing wrong in terms of their workflow background information. Learning how to avoid them will help smooth out any rough edges in your process and ensure success for both yourself and those trusting clients seeking guidance from your services. AsContinue reading “5 Things Modern Life Coaches Are Doing Wrong”

GROW Model Questions: 60 Questions To Ask Your Coachees

At its core, coaching is a conversation between a coach and a coachee. Sometimes, though, coaches need a hand navigating the conversation and producing fruitful results. Luckily, the GROW model was created to be that guide. Here’s what you need to know about the GROW model and my 60 GROW model questions you can useContinue reading “GROW Model Questions: 60 Questions To Ask Your Coachees”

The Most Popular Relevance of GROW Model of Coaching Today

As the coaching profession gains momentum, successful coaches are constantly looking for ways to improve their practice. With this in mind, it is essential to consider whether traditional coaching tools and frameworks, such as the GROW Model, remain relevant today or if other models should be employed. Considering its features and effectiveness, this blog postContinue reading “The Most Popular Relevance of GROW Model of Coaching Today”

What Does Leading from Behind Mean?

Leading from behind has been gaining traction in the business and leadership worlds. Leaders who embrace this style can foster an environment of creativity, collaboration, and ownership by setting a clear direction and giving their team members the autonomy to make decisions. But what does it mean to lead from behind? Let’s unpack the nuancesContinue reading “What Does Leading from Behind Mean?”