
Driving Growth and Productivity: The Role of Corporate Training in India

Corporate training in India is essential for businesses to drive growth and productivity. With more companies increasingly seeking to stay at the forefront of their industry by focusing on skill development, quality assurance and employee engagement, harnessing the power and potential of corporate training programmes can make a real impact. By investing in employees’ professionalContinue reading “Driving Growth and Productivity: The Role of Corporate Training in India”

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

As a leader, it is essential to recognise the importance of emotional intelligence (EI). After all, having a good understanding of your emotions and those of others can go a long way in not only improving relationships but also helping you complete tasks with efficiency. From developing self-awareness, increasing communication skills, and becoming more mindfulContinue reading “The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership”

Building Trust with Your Employees Through Positive Relationships

This article discusses practical tips for building trust with your employees through positive relationships at work. From demonstrating authenticity and understanding how trust works through creating open lines of communication, read on to learn more about establishing long-lasting connections with your colleagues founded on strong foundations of trust! Are you having difficulty connecting with yourContinue reading “Building Trust with Your Employees Through Positive Relationships”

What is the Difference between Coaching and Mentoring?

Are you considering hiring a coach or mentor but aren’t sure which one would be the best fit for your needs? It’s a valid question – after all, there is definitely a difference between coaching and mentoring! Before making any decisions, though, it’s essential to understand the differences between these two services. This article summarisesContinue reading “What is the Difference between Coaching and Mentoring?”

Making Excuses Stop Us from Making Progress in Life

Making excuses is a surefire way to stay stuck, preventing us from reaching our potential and achieving success. It’s time to overcome these lies we tell ourselves that keep us from progressing. We’ve all been there – making excuses to avoid responsibility and not taking the necessary steps to progress. We tell ourselves, “I don’tContinue reading “Making Excuses Stop Us from Making Progress in Life”

Strategies for Dealing With Difficult People Effectively as a Leader

As a leader in any organisation, dealing with difficult people is an inevitable part of the job. Drawing on years of experience and research into this important topic, I’ll provide guidance and actionable steps to navigate challenging interactions as a leader successfully. Though it can be stressful and even demoralising, learning to deal with theseContinue reading “Strategies for Dealing With Difficult People Effectively as a Leader”

What Does Leading from Behind Mean?

Leading from behind has been gaining traction in the business and leadership worlds. Leaders who embrace this style can foster an environment of creativity, collaboration, and ownership by setting a clear direction and giving their team members the autonomy to make decisions. But what does it mean to lead from behind? Let’s unpack the nuancesContinue reading “What Does Leading from Behind Mean?”

Being a Leader vs Talking About leaders: What’s for You?

This article outlines what being a leader versus talking about leaders means and helps determine which one is more suitable for your style. Do you have what it takes to be a leader? How about talking about leadership and its structures and philosophies? When it comes to being influential or shaping an organisation, there areContinue reading “Being a Leader vs Talking About leaders: What’s for You?”

Leadership Is Not Always About Being The Best

In a world of constant competition, it’s sometimes hard to remember that being the best isn’t always the goal. Sometimes, leadership is about being the best you can be while helping others to be their best. Leadership is often seen as something that can only be achieved by being the best in your field orContinue reading “Leadership Is Not Always About Being The Best”

6 Sins of NGOs in Mauritius and How to Avoid Them

In this blog post, we will explore each sin in-depth and discuss ways for NGOs in Mauritius (and beyond) to ensure compliance and ethical behaviour when carrying out their mission. So, keep reading if you want your organisation’s impact projects to run smoothly, no matter what! For an NGO to truly make a difference, itContinue reading “6 Sins of NGOs in Mauritius and How to Avoid Them”