
If Someone Stole Bread to Feed Their Family, Would You Consider Them A Bad Person?

This blog post explores the complexities of morality when faced with extreme poverty, highlighting various points of view and examining what it truly means to be ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ In a world of scarcity, desperation can lead to desperate measures and questionable decisions. But how far is too far? If it came down to stealingContinue reading “If Someone Stole Bread to Feed Their Family, Would You Consider Them A Bad Person?”

What It Means to Have Empathy

Empathy is a powerful character trait that can be the difference between human connection and misunderstanding. It’s about having an emotional understanding towards others, their feelings, opinions and perspectives. Empathy allows us to cultivate healthy relationships with those around us and grow more compassion for each other. Developing this ability to put ourselves in someoneContinue reading “What It Means to Have Empathy”

How We Are All Selfish in This World

In a world teeming with diverse cultures, beliefs, and ideologies, one common thread binds us together: we are all selfish. While the word “selfish” may carry negative connotations, it is essential to recognise that this aspect is deeply ingrained in human nature. When it comes to the world around us, we all have an inwardContinue reading “How We Are All Selfish in This World”