
Transform Your Life: Experience Life Coaching in Mauritius

Are you considering life coaching in Mauritius but unsure where to start? Look no further! In this blog post, I’m sharing with you what I’ve learned about life coaching in Mauritius: its unique benefits, amazing local activities, and tips from locals who have experienced it first-hand. Let’s dive in! Mauritius Island is a wonderful placeContinue reading “Transform Your Life: Experience Life Coaching in Mauritius”

Unveiling Mauritius’ Top 5 Life Coaches of 2023

This article ranks Mauritius’ top 5 life coaches, bringing massive transformation in Mauritian coachees. Life coaches emphasise on life planning, covering careers, health, finances, relationships, and overall well-being. If you are looking to take a leap forward in your life and career, put yourself on the road of self-improvement with the help of a lifeContinue reading “Unveiling Mauritius’ Top 5 Life Coaches of 2023”

The Best Approach to Life Coaching in Mauritius

Are you looking for the best life coaching in Mauritius? Experienced professionals in this field are invaluable assets when it comes to navigating every stage of your life. From career decisions to resolving personal issues, an experienced life coach can help inspire individuals to move forward confidently. You may be wondering who is one ofContinue reading “The Best Approach to Life Coaching in Mauritius”

The Role of Men in Advancing Gender Equality in the Workplace

Gender equality in the workplace is one of the most pressing social issues today. It affects men, women, and all members of society; if we want to build a safe and equitable future for everyone, men must actively advance gender equality. This means developing a greater understanding of how workplaces are structured and continuing toContinue reading “The Role of Men in Advancing Gender Equality in the Workplace”

The Different Types of Coaching & How to Decide Which Is Right for You

Are you looking for a way to reach your biggest goals, build confidence, and become the best version of yourself? Then personal coaching might be just what you need! But it’s important to know which types of coaching to go for! Personal coaching is an investment in yourself that can help you to stay motivated,Continue reading “The Different Types of Coaching & How to Decide Which Is Right for You”

Who Will Win the Next General Elections in Mauritius?

As the next general elections in Mauritius are being discussed by most Mauritians nowadays, the question on everyone’s mind is: Who will win? Let’s explore all sides of the race – from analysing previous election results to predicting potential upsets – with the goal of giving you an informed overview of who might come outContinue reading “Who Will Win the Next General Elections in Mauritius?”

6 Sins of NGOs in Mauritius and How to Avoid Them

In this blog post, we will explore each sin in-depth and discuss ways for NGOs in Mauritius (and beyond) to ensure compliance and ethical behaviour when carrying out their mission. So, keep reading if you want your organisation’s impact projects to run smoothly, no matter what! For an NGO to truly make a difference, itContinue reading “6 Sins of NGOs in Mauritius and How to Avoid Them”

Life Coaching in Mauritius

Are you looking for a way to make a better life for yourself while also having the opportunity to explore an exotic island? Life coaching in Mauritius may be just what you are searching for! This vibrant and culturally rich nation is one of the best places in the world for professionals, offering unparalleled careerContinue reading “Life Coaching in Mauritius”

A Note on Mauritius’s Independence and Republic Day 2023

As I reflect on Mauritius’s hard-earned journey to freedom and sovereignty on Independence and Republic Day 2023, my heart is filled with pride and gratitude. Having been born in a nation that was once under colonial rule, it’s incredible how far we’ve come since then—today, we are an independent country with vibrant culture and valuesContinue reading “A Note on Mauritius’s Independence and Republic Day 2023”

5 Things Mauritius Should Learn from India in 2023

As two neighbouring countries in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius and India have much to learn from one another. Here’s a look at five key lessons Mauritius should learn from India – the world’s largest democracy and top emerging economy. While there are vast differences between their histories and economies, both countries can take inspiration fromContinue reading “5 Things Mauritius Should Learn from India in 2023”