
What is Mental Health?

Mental health is a topic that touches all of us in some way, either directly or indirectly. Whether we’re talking about our own mental health or the mental health of someone close to us, we should pay close attention to understanding and learning how to maintain good mental health. But what exactly does it mean?Continue reading “What is Mental Health?”

5 Ways How to Improve Mental Health in the Workplace

Our mental health has an enormous impact on our ability to be productive, function efficiently, and work to the best of our abilities. With a highly competitive job market worldwide and the countless life pressures we face today, there is no doubt that workplace stress levels are at an all-time high. While it’s understandable thatContinue reading “5 Ways How to Improve Mental Health in the Workplace”

How to Set Boundaries in a Relationship Without Being Controlling

In this article, we’ll explore how important it is to set boundaries in a relationship and some tips on how to do so without coming across as domineering or controlling. When it comes to relationships, boundaries can make all the difference. They provide a framework for how we interact, letting us know what behaviours areContinue reading “How to Set Boundaries in a Relationship Without Being Controlling”

What Do You Say After Saying Hello?

Drawing on insights from psychology research and my experiences in conversation starters, let’s explore what topics tend to get people talking and how to deliver them for maximum impact. During these next few minutes, let’s dive into why it’s important to know what to say when breaking the ice. Making conversation with someone you’ve justContinue reading “What Do You Say After Saying Hello?”

Are You Feeling Like an Imposter in Your Life?

Do you ever feel like your accomplishments aren’t real and that you don’t belong amongst those who have real success? This article explores imposter syndrome further, offering advice and guidance on how to manage these feelings. Do doubts creep in, questioning your abilities and skills? If yes, then chances are you might be struggling withContinue reading “Are You Feeling Like an Imposter in Your Life?”

Are You a Narcissist? Secrets Exposed! Here’re the Juicy Details

Are you worried that you might be a narcissist without even realising it? Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is often seen as a black-and-white condition – either you have it, or you don’t. In reality, there are different levels of severity that can indicate whether someone has NPD. While the diagnosis only comes with seeing aContinue reading “Are You a Narcissist? Secrets Exposed! Here’re the Juicy Details”

How To Make A Day Planner Work For You: Five Simple Tips

In this blog post, I offer five simple tips on how to make a day planner work for you and give yourself the best chance of getting things done efficiently and effectively. From taking advantage of visual cues to determining which tasks should take priority each day, read on as we go through these fiveContinue reading “How To Make A Day Planner Work For You: Five Simple Tips”

5 Reasons Why You Should Let Go of the Past

No one said it would be easy to let go of the past. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s a necessary step for progress to take place in our lives. We all have demons from our past that can make us feel moored and trapped if we cling to them too tightly. But what does letting go reallyContinue reading “5 Reasons Why You Should Let Go of the Past”

The Psychology Behind Dating Multiple Partners at the Same Time

Are you one of those people who like dating multiple partners at once? Have you ever wondered why it is that some people feel a call to commitment while others actively seek out different romantic connections all the time? If so, then this blog post is meant for you. In this blog post, we’ll exploreContinue reading “The Psychology Behind Dating Multiple Partners at the Same Time”

The Psychology Behind Punishing Yourself to Achieve More

Do you often find yourself setting unreachable goals, pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion to reach them? Or do you have a voice constantly telling you that whatever you do isn’t good enough? If any of this rings true for you, then there’s a high chance that what’s going on is self-punishment. Research suggestsContinue reading “The Psychology Behind Punishing Yourself to Achieve More”