
The Unhealed Scar: Betrayal’s Lasting Impact on Men’s Lives

Betrayal is a deep emotional wound that can leave a lasting impact on a person’s life. While it affects both men and women, the effects of betrayal are often overlooked when it comes to men. In our society, men are often expected to be strong and stoic, making it harder for them to express theirContinue reading “The Unhealed Scar: Betrayal’s Lasting Impact on Men’s Lives”

Why is Domestic Violence Against Men Often Underreported and Misunderstood?

In this blog post, we will explore why domestic violence against men is often underreported and misunderstood — from cultural norms to social stigma — as well as how we can help make the victims feel empowered and taken seriously. No one should have to suffer in silence, yet all too often, those who areContinue reading “Why is Domestic Violence Against Men Often Underreported and Misunderstood?”

Mauritian Success Stories: The Impact of Life Coaching on Personal Growth

In this blog post, we explore how life coaching has had a transformative impact on people’s lives in Mauritius, unlocking new opportunities for growth which would otherwise have remained unexplored. Mauritius is renowned for its beautiful beaches and fascinating culture. But this tiny country has also produced several remarkable success stories, thanks to the dedicationContinue reading “Mauritian Success Stories: The Impact of Life Coaching on Personal Growth”

Coaching vs Counselling: What’s the Difference?

Are you struggling to make sense of life recently and looking for a way out? You may have heard conflicting advice about whether to consider coaching or counselling. Both approaches can be incredibly effective in helping people improve their well-being. Still, there is an essential distinction between the two methods, which must be understood beforeContinue reading “Coaching vs Counselling: What’s the Difference?”

Unveiling Mauritius’ Top 5 Life Coaches of 2023

This article ranks Mauritius’ top 5 life coaches, bringing massive transformation in Mauritian coachees. Life coaches emphasise on life planning, covering careers, health, finances, relationships, and overall well-being. If you are looking to take a leap forward in your life and career, put yourself on the road of self-improvement with the help of a lifeContinue reading “Unveiling Mauritius’ Top 5 Life Coaches of 2023”

5 Reasons Why You Should Let Go of the Past

No one said it would be easy to let go of the past. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s a necessary step for progress to take place in our lives. We all have demons from our past that can make us feel moored and trapped if we cling to them too tightly. But what does letting go reallyContinue reading “5 Reasons Why You Should Let Go of the Past”

The Fascinating Science of Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, Psychology

This article explores the particularities associated with each field and get a better insight into coaching vs mentoring vs counselling vs psychology. Understanding the various specialisations within professional counselling can be an invaluable asset for those eager to help others and make a difference in their lives. From coaching to mentoring, counselling to psychology, manyContinue reading “The Fascinating Science of Coaching, Mentoring, Counselling, Psychology”

What is the Difference between Coaching and Mentoring?

Are you considering hiring a coach or mentor but aren’t sure which one would be the best fit for your needs? It’s a valid question – after all, there is definitely a difference between coaching and mentoring! Before making any decisions, though, it’s essential to understand the differences between these two services. This article summarisesContinue reading “What is the Difference between Coaching and Mentoring?”